۱۴۰۳ جمعه ۲۷ مهر


 Published in 2024
X. Wang, L.  Wei,  S. J.  Xu,  and S. Zhou
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 1-15  (2024) 
J. Zhang
 Finite Fields and Their Applications, 95,  (2024).102393
S. Wang, Y. M. Chee and V. K. Vu
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 43-48
F. Parvaresh, R. Sobhani, A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, F. Jafari, and M. Khatami
T. Nguyen
(2024) arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.15126 
 A. Diaz-Lopez, K. Haymaker, K. Keough, J. Park,  & E. White
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.10719 (2024)
    Published in 2023
J.  Chrisnata,  H. M. Kiah, A. Vardy  and E. Yaakobi
 (2023)IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory
H. Han, J. Mu, X. Jiao, Y.C.  He,  and  Z. Zhao
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 91(2023), 1923-1934
Y. Sun, Y. Zhang and G. Ge
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 4429-4441, (2023)
A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, F. Jafari, M. Khatami, F.Parvaresh and R. Sobhani
 Cryptography and Communications 15(2023) ,  891-903.
Wang, X 
Cryptography and Communications, 15(2023), 131-144
Bereg, S., Bumpass, W., Haghpanah, M., Malouf, B., & Sudborough, I. H
Improved Permutation Arrays for Kendall Tau Metric
(2023) arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11423 
 Published in 2022
A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, F. Jafari, M. Khatami, F. Parvaresh and R. Sobhani
10th Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2022, pp. 1-3
N. Beeri and M. Schwartz 
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,  68(2022) 3719-3730
Lu, J., & Wang, X
IEEE Access, 10(2022), 98761-98768 
Barta, J., & Montemanni, R 
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (2022), 1-16
Ogunyanda, K., Swart, T. G., & Ogunyanda, O. O
Journal of Communications, 17( 2022),  6 
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, (2022)
 Vulakh, D., & Finkel, R
Soft Computing, 26(2022), 5765-5772
Bereg, S., Malouf, B., Morales, L., Stanley, T., & Sudborough, I. H
Des. Codes Cryptogr.,  (2022), 1-19
Chee, Y. M., & Zhang, H
 Neural Network Decoders for Permutation Codes Correcting Different Errors
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.03315, (2022)
Mariot, L., Picek, S., Jakobovic, D., Djurasevic, M., & Leporati, A
 On the Difficulty of Evolving Permutation Codes
In International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (Part of EvoStar) (pp. 141-156). Springer, Cham (2022)
 Torres-Martín, A., & Villanueva, M
 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, (2022) 
Wang, X.; Yin, W. ; Fu, FW
E. Yavari, M. Esmaeili and J. Rifà
 IEEE Access, 10 (2022), 9686-9702
K. Ogunyanda; T.  Swart;  O. O.  Ogunyanda 
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 68 (2022), 27-33 
Published in 2021 
Mogilnykh, I
International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2021,  230-233 
F. Jafari, A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, M. Khatami and R. Sobhani
 Des. Codes Cryptogr (2021), 1-19 
 Feng, T;  Li, W; Zhou, J 
 Finite Fields Appl., 75 (2021)  
Published in 2020 
Constructing permutation arrays using partition and extension
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Discrete Math., 343 (2020) 
 Published in 2019
A. Tandon, V. Y. Tan,  and L. R. Varshney 
 The bee-identification problem: Bounds on the error exponent
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67(2019), no. 11, 7405-7416
Des. Codes Cryptogr. 87 (2019), no. 9, 2105–2128
Horovitz, Michal; Etzion, Tuvi
Local rank modulation for flash memories
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65 (2019), no. 3, 1705–1713 
R. Sobhani, A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, M. Khatami
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 87 (2019) 2335-2340 
 Zhou, S
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 223 (2019931-947
Published in 2018 
  Published in 2017 
HeHuangR.; Zhou, S
 Discrete Math., 340 (20171522-1527
Wang, X., Fu, FW
Des. Codes Cryptogr. 83, 455–465 (2017) 
Published in 2016
 Buzaglo, S., Yaakobi, E., Etzion, T., & Bruck, J
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62(2016), 3113-3124
Stanley, R. P
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 144 (2016), 476-495 
 Kiah, H. M., Puleo, G. J., Milenkovic, O
 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62(2016), no. 6, 3125-3146
S. Vijayakumaran
.IEEE Communications Letters, 20 (2016), 1912-1915
Holroyd, A. E
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63(2016), 104-110 
Zhang, Y.,  Ge, G
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62(2016), 151-158
Published in 2015 
Janiszczak,  I.; Lempkin, W. Ostergard, P.R.; Staszewski R
Des. Codes Cryptogr. 75 (2015), 497–507
 Published in 2014
 J. Barta, R. Montemanni and D. H. Smith
2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), 2014, pp. 187-192
 Horovitz, M.,  Etzion, T
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60(2014), 7016-7025
Published in 2013 
Gao F.; Yang Y.; Ge G
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 59 (20133059–3063 
Published in 2012
 Smith D.H., Montemanni R
Des. Codes Cryptogr. 63 (2012), 241–253
 Published in 2011 
  Published in 2010
 Tamo, I. ; Schwartz, M
.Correcting limited-magnitude errors in the rank-modulation scheme
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 Dukes, P.; Sawchuk, N
J. Algebraic Comb. 31, 143–158 (2010)
 Barg, A.; Mazumdar, A
European J. Combin. 31 (2010), no. 2, 482–490
  Published in 2009
 Günther, Annika
A mass formula for self-dual permutation codes
Finite Fields Appl. 15 (2009), no. 4, 517–533
Published in 2008
Fan, Yun; Yuan, Yuan
On self-dual permutation codes
Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B (Engl. Ed.) 28 (2008), no. 3, 633–638
 Published in 2007
A note on the optimality of variant-I permutation modulation codes
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 53 (2007), no. 8, 2878–2879
  Published in 2006
 Huczynska, Sophie; Mullen, Gary. L
Frequency permutation arrays
J. Combin. Des. 14 (2006), no. 6, 463–478

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Published in 2005  

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 Pavlidou N., Vinck A.H., Yazdani J., Honary B
IEEE Commun. Mag. 41(2003), 34–40
Published in 2002
D. Cunsheng; F. Fang-Wei; T. Klove; V. K. W. Wei
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 48 (2002)  4, pp. 977-980
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On optimal permutation codes
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دانشگاه اصفهان
آدرس: اصفهان، میدان آزادی، دانشگاه اصفهان  , دانشکده ریاضی و آمار
کدپستی: 73441-81746
E-mail:  a.abdollahi@math.ui.ac.ir
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